What is Kingston College?
Kingston College is an all boys’ traditional high school located in Kingston, Jamaica. It occupies two campuses: The Melbourne campus on Upper Elletson Road and the larger North Street campus. Some 1900 students are enrolled.
Kingston College is also referred to as “KC” and is well known for the loyalty of its students and alumni who proudly display what is known as the “Fortis Spirit” of determination and perseverance. These qualities are enshrined in the school’s motto, “Fortis Cadere Cedere non Potest” which is Latin for “The Brave May Fall but Never Yield.”
The school is noted for a strong academic and sports tradition. It also boasts a world class boys’ choir, the Kingston College Chapel Choir that has given concerts across the island and overseas.
The school is owned by the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (Anglican).
Students are prepared to sit the CSEC and CAPE examinations.

Byron Bachelor Athletics Complex is now open for business
KC’s synthetic track at the Melbourne campus is now open for business.
In an elegant ceremony held on Septemebr 15th, 2017, the Byron Bachelor Athletics Complex was dedicated.
The ceremony included several outstanding past students along with members of the Government, former Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and Central Kingston Member of Parliament Ronald Thwaites.
This new track would not have been a reality without the Rujohn Foundation, led by the Bachelors, who covered the majority of the US$550,000 cost for the entire laying of the track. Old boy Audley Hewitt from the Miami chapter also played a pivotal role, along with Jamaica National and the Sports Development Foundation.
“This is not only for the development of track and field at Kingston College, but also for the wholesome development of our students,” explained the principal, Mr. Dave Myrie,

The North Street Master Plan
The Kingston College master plan for the North Street campus calls for the acquisition of several Lissant Road properties.