How to Restate a Thesis: A Masterclass in Summarizing Your Argument

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Writing any paper related to education is always a challenge. We are talking about a variety of options, such as a research paper, a term paper, an essay, or an academic paper. Regardless of the level you are at currently, you are bound to have at least a couple of sleepless nights.

The reason is simple: you want to achieve perfection with your paper. Your professors will help you on that journey by providing crucial tips on overcoming challenging sections.

If you think your professors’ help is insufficient, you can always seek help elsewhere.

For instance, if you need help restating a thesis, consult ThesisHelpers. But what is a thesis?

essay writing

You should be aware of this before you are ready to work on a paper such as this one. A thesis statement is the most essential part of your paper. In most cases, it will be the main topic you focus on. Therefore, it must be written exceptionally.

For each claim made at the beginning of the paper, the writer must provide a restated thesis statement in the conclusion. While this may seem like a simple thing to do, it can give you several headaches down the road. Now that we have established the basics, we would like to provide some tips on properly restating a thesis.

While mastering the art of restating your thesis is essential for academic success, it’s equally important to manage the pressures that come with university life.

Without further ado, let us begin.

Writing the Conclusion

Writing the Conclusion

As we have already said, writing the conclusion is much more challenging than it may look at first. At first, this is part of the document where you have the task to summarize the topic, and that is it. However, since you are about to restate a thesis, not just summarize the subject.

However, we want to highlight the importance of restating your argument in conclusion, especially when discussing a longer paper. That is the first thing you should think about. Just repeating something you mentioned earlier in your paper will not do much.

Therefore, you must ensure that you are not just repeating the sentence. You are bound to restate your thesis and write it differently. Still, the idea behind the sentence should be the same. You can even consider adding a source, regardless of whether you named the source before.

At the same time, you need to be extremely careful not to cover the whole conclusion with just one statement. It is about finding the right balance between providing the right amount of new information and restating the previously mentioned ones.

Plus, the best thing is for your conclusion to offer something completely new. So, you can see just how challenging it is to achieve this.

Formal and Educated Language

The next big thing we want to discuss is the formal and educated language. Writing some statement will not make it memorable and significant. It is of the utmost importance to use formal and educated language. Surely, this does not mean you are not allowed to be creative in any way.

Still, finding the proper balance between creativity and academic language would be best. That is how you achieve success. Naturally, educated language should be followed with education. Making a statement you cannot back up with your education will not lead to good things.

While it may not seem like this, professors will easily spot these gaps, and, likely, the student will not get a proper grade. Of course, the terms you will use depend solely on the subject you are studying. You should be extremely well informed about these.

Read the Original Thesis Statement

We want to discuss the importance of re-reading the thesis you made earlier in the paper. Why is this so important? Restating a thesis cannot be done without knowing exactly what you have said. Of course, students should not write the sentence word-by-word.

But understanding the core of the thesis is something crucial. It is impossible to write a conclusion without understanding even the smallest of details. Going through the original several times will help you with coining sentences you will use later in the conclusion.

It is something you should focus on regardless of your level of education. You should take it seriously since this will positively impact your grades from professors. It is the easiest way to make an impact that will serve you well down the road. That is why you should focus on this aspect as much as possible.

Polishing the Conclusion

ESSAY writing process

The final aspect of this process is polishing the conclusion of your paper. You may not think like this at first, but this is something that will take you more time than writing the whole paper in some cases. The reason is quite simple: writing a couple of sentences at the end of the paper is much harder since you need to summarize the whole document in a limited amount of words.

You will agree that this is quite the challenge. The first major thing we recommend to you is removing terms like “in conclusion” or “in result.” While naming the last “chapter” this way, using these terms as a part of the text would be considered a way to fulfill the number of required words.

Therefore, professors will not consider it beneficial for the paper in any way. So, you cannot count on getting a higher grade in the long term. Another useful thing you should consider is using some strong sentences from the conclusion as the title of your paper.

Why is this a good idea? Just think about how impactful this will be on the reader. It’s like combining everything you wrote in the paper and summarizing it in only one sentence. Naturally, make sure to check it for any potential errors and types. We are all human; of course, mistakes will occur occasionally.

The Bottom Line

Restating a thesis is not as easy as it may look at first. Here, you can find all the most relevant things you should focus on when writing a paper. We are certain you will find each to be of great help.

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